Making queries with fiqs

The FQuery object

fiqs exposes a FQuery object which lets you write less verbose simple queries against ElasticSearch. It is built on top of the elasticsearch-dsl Search object. Here is a quick example of what FQuery can do, compared to elasticsearch-dsl:

from elasticsearch_dsl import Search
from fiqs.aggregations import Sum
from fiqs.query import FQuery

from .models import Sale

# The elasticsearch-dsl way
search = Search(...)
    'shop_id', 'terms', field='shop_id',
    'client_id', 'terms', field='client_id',
    'total_sales', 'sum', field='price',
result = search.execute()

# The FQuery way
search = Search(...)
fquery = FQuery(search).values(
result = fquery.eval()

Loss of expresiveness

Let’s start with a warning :> FQuery may allow you to write cleaner and more re-usable queries, but at the cost of a loss of expresiveness. For example, you will not be able to have metrics at multiple aggregation levels. You may not be able to use FQuery for all your queries, and that’s OK!

FQuery options

A FQuery object only needs an elasticsearch-dsl object to get started. You may also configure the following options:

  • default_size: the size used by default in aggregations built by this object.

eval call

To execute the Elasticsearch query, you need to call eval on the FQuery object. This call accepts the following arguments:

  • flat: If False, will return the elasticsearch-dsl Result object, without flattening the result. Note that you cannot ask for a flat result if you used computed expressions. True by default.
  • fill_missing_buckets: If False, FQuery will not try to fill the missing buckets. For more details see Filling missing buckets. Note that fiqs cannot fill the missing buckets in non flat mode. True by default.


You need to call values on a FQuery object to specify the metrics you want to use in your request. values accepts both arguments and keyword arguments:

from fiqs.aggregation import Sum, Avg

from .models import Sale


In this case, the nodes will contain two keys for the metrics: total_sales, and sale__price__avg, a string representation of the Avg(Sale.price) metric. A values call returns the FQuery object, to allow chaining calls.

fiqs contains several classes, which all take a field as argument, to help you make these metric calls:


Used for the Elasticsearch avg aggregation.


Used for the Elasticsearch cardinality aggregation


Used if you only want to count the documents present in your search. This aggregation does not change the Elasticsearh request, since it always returns the number of documents in the doc_count.


Used for the Elasticsearch max aggregation


Used for the Elasticsearch min aggregation


Used for the Elasticsearch sum aggregation


fiqs lets you query computed fields, created with operations on a model’s fields. For example:

from fiqs.aggregation import Sum

from .models import TrafficCount


The three existing operations are Addition, Subtraction and Ratio. Do note that these operations cannot be used in non-flat mode. For example this will not work:

fquery = FQuery(search).values(
results = fquery.eval(flat=False)  # Will raise an exception


The ReverseNested class lets you make reverse nested aggregation. It takes as a first argument the path for the reverse nested aggregation (it can be empty) and a list of expressions:

class Sale(models.Model):
    price = fields.IntegerField()

    products = fields.NestedField()
    product_id = fields.KeywordField(parent='products')

    parts = fields.NestedField(parent='products')
    part_id = fields.KeywordField(parent='parts')

# Number of sales by product_id
# Number of products by part_id
        Sale.products,  # You can give a field instead of a string
        Count(Sale.products),  # Or `Count(Sale)`, both work
# Total and average price by product id
        Sale,  # Or `''`, both work

Group by

You can call group_by on a FQuery object to add aggregations. Like values, group_by returns the FQuery object, to allow chaining. fiqs lets you build only one aggregation, which can be as deep as you need it to be. In a group_by call, you can use any fiqs Field, or Field subclass, object. fiqs also offers Field subclasses that help you configure your aggregation:


A FieldWithChoices takes as argument an existing field, and a list of choice:

FieldWithChoices(Sale.shop_id, choices=(['Atlanta', 'Phoenix', 'NYC']))

This field is useful if you want to tune the capacity of FQuery to fill the missing buckets.


A FieldWithRanges takes as argument an existing field, with a list of ranges. Ranges can either be a list of dictionaries forming an Elasticsearch range aggregation, or a list of tuples:

ranges = [
        'from': 1,
        'to': 5,
        'key': '1 - 5',
        'from': 5,
        'to': 11,
        'key': '5 - 11',
# Equivalent to :
ranges = [
    (1, 5),
    (5, 11),
FieldWithRanges(Sale.shop_id, ranges=ranges)

Do note that the from value (or the first tuple value) is included, and the to value (or the second tuple value) is excluded.


A DataExtendedField takes as argument an existing field, and a data dictionary:

DataExtendedField(Sale.shop_id, size=5)

This field is useful if you want to to fine tune the aggregation. In the example we changed the size parameter that will be used in the Elasticsearch aggregation.


A GroupedField aims to replicate the behavior of a filters aggregation. It takes as argument an existing field and a dictionary used to build the buckets:

shop_groups = {
    'group_a': [1, 2, 3, ],
    'group_b': [4, 5, 6, ],
# Number of Sale objects, grouped according to the `groups` argument
# One bucket will contain the Sale objects with shop_id in [1, 2, 3, ]
# The other bucket will contain the Sale objects with shop_id in [4, 5, 6, ]
fquery = FQuery(search).values(
    GroupedField(Sale.shop_id, groups=groups),

Order by

You can call order_by on a FQuery object, to order the Elasticsearch result as you want. order_by returns the FQuery object, to allow chaining. order_by expects a dictionary that will be directly used in the aggregation as a sort:

    {'total_sales': 'desc'},

In this example, the Elasticsearch result will be ordered by total sales, in descending order.

Executing the query

Calling eval on the Fquery object will execute the Elasticsearch query and return the result.

Form of the result

FQuery will automatically flatten the result returned by Elasticsearch, as detailed here. It will also cast the value, depending on your model’s fields.

Each field may implement a get_casted_value method. FQuery will use this method to cast values returned by Elasticsearch. For example:

class IntegerField(Field):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(IntegerField, self).__init__('integer', **kwargs)

    def get_casted_value(self, v):
        return int(v) if v is not None else v

As of today, only the following fields implement this method:

  • LongField, IntegerField, ShortField, ByteField and field inheriting from them cast values as int
  • DoubleField and FloatField cast values as float
  • DateField cast values as datetime, ignoring the milliseconds

Filling missing buckets

By default, FQuery will try to add buckets missing from the Elasticsearch result. FQuery uses several heuristics to determine which buckets are missing, as we will see below. FQuery will fill the group_by values with the missing keys, and the metric values with None.

  • If a field in the group_by defines the choices attribute, FQuery will expect all the choices’ keys to be present as keys in the Elasticsearch buckets:

    # Our model
    class Sale(Model):
        shop_id = fields.IntegerField(choices=(1, 2, 3, ))
        price = fields.IntegerField()
    # Our query
    results = FQuery(search).values(
    # Elasticsearch result, notice there is no bucket with shop_id 1
    # {
    #     [...],
    #     "aggregations": {
    #         "shop": {
    #             "buckets": [
    #                 {
    #                     "doc_count": 20,
    #                     "key": 2,
    #                     "total_sales": {
    #                         "value": 123,
    #                     },
    #                 },
    #                 {
    #                     "doc_count": 10,
    #                     "key": 3,
    #                     "total_sales": {
    #                         "value": 456,
    #                     },
    #                 },
    #             ],
    #             [...],
    #         },
    #     },
    # }
    # FQuery result, with the empty line added
    # [
    #     {
    #         'shop_id': 2,
    #         'doc_count': 20,
    #         'total_sales': 123,
    #     },
    #     {
    #         'shop_id': 3,
    #         'doc_count': 10,
    #         'total_sales': 456,
    #     },
    #     {
    #         'shop_id': 1,
    #         'doc_count': 0,
    #         'total_sales': None,
    #     },
    # ]
  • If an aggregate in the group_by returns a value when calling choice_keys, FQuery will expect all the keys to be present in the Elasticsearch buckets. Only available with daily DateHistogram for the time being.

  • Finally, FQuery will look at all the values each key takes in the result buckets, and will expect all keys to be present in all buckets:

    # Our model
    class Sale(Model):
        shop_id = fields.IntegerField()
        price = fields.IntegerField()
        payment_type = fields.KeywordField(choices=('wire_transfer', 'cash', ))
    # Our query
    results = FQuery(search).values(
    # Elasticsearch result
    # {
    #     [...],
    #     "aggregations": {
    #         "payment_type": {
    #             "buckets": [
    #                 {
    #                     "key": "wire_transfer",
    #                     "shop_id": {
    #                         "buckets": [
    #                             {
    #                                 doc_count: 10,
    #                                 "key": 1,
    #                                 "total_sales": {
    #                                     "value": 123,
    #                                 },
    #                             },
    #                         ],
    #                     },
    #                 },
    #                 {
    #                     "key": "cash",
    #                     "shop_id": {
    #                         "buckets": [
    #                             {
    #                                 doc_count: 20,
    #                                 "key": 2,
    #                                 "total_sales": {
    #                                     "value": 456,
    #                                 },
    #                             },
    #                         ],
    #                     },
    #                 },
    #             ],
    #         },
    #     },
    # }
    # FQuery result, with two empty lines added
    # [
    #     {
    #         'shop_id': 1,
    #         'doc_count': 10,
    #         'total_sales': 123,
    #         'payment_type': 'wire_transfer',
    #     },
    #     {
    #         'shop_id': 2,
    #         'doc_count': 0,
    #         'total_sales': None,
    #         'payment_type': 'wire_transfer',
    #     },
    #     {
    #         'shop_id': 2,
    #         'doc_count': 20,
    #         'total_sales': 456,
    #         'payment_type': 'cash',
    #     },
    #     {
    #         'shop_id': 1,
    #         'doc_count': 0,
    #         'total_sales': None,
    #         'payment_type': 'cash',
    #     },
    # ]