
fiqs lets you create Model classes, a la Django, which automatically generate an elasticsearch mapping, and allows you to write cleaner queries.

A model is a class inheriting from fiqs.models.Model. It needs to define a doc_type, an index and its fields:

from fiqs import fields, models

class Sale(models.Model):
    index = 'sale_data'
    doc_type = 'sale'

    id = fields.IntegerField()
    shop_id = fields.IntegerField()
    client_id = fields.KeywordField()

    timestamp = fields.DateField()
    price = fields.IntegerField()
    payment_type = fields.KeywordField(choices=['wire_transfer', 'cash', 'store_credit'])

The doc_type will be used for the mapping, the index for the queries. Instead of defining these values as class attributes, you can override the class methods get_index and get_doc_type:

def get_index(cls, *args, **kwargs):
    if not cls.index:
        raise NotImplementedError('Model class should define an index')

    return cls.index

def get_doc_type(cls, *args, **kwargs):
    if not cls.doc_type:
        raise NotImplementedError('Model class should define a doc_type')

    return cls.doc_type

Model fields

This section contains all the API references for fields, including the field options and the field types.

Field options

The following arguments are available to all field types. All are optional, except type.


This is a string that tells fiqs which field datatype will be used in Elasticsearch. This option is mandatory.


A list of possible values for the field. fiqs will use it to fill the missing buckets. It can also contains a list of tuples, where the first element is the key, and the second is a ‘pretty key’:

payment_type = fields.KeywordField(choices=[
    ('wire_transfer', _('Wire transfer')),
    ('cash', _('Cash')),
    ('store_credit', _('Store credit')),


A dictionary containing data used in the aggregations. For the time being, only size is used.


Used for nested documents to define the name of the parent document. For example:

from fiqs import models

class Sale(models.Model):

    products = fields.NestedField()
    product_id = fields.KeywordField(parent='products')
    parts = fields.NestedField(parent='products')
    part_id = fields.KeywordField(parent='paths')


The name of the field in your Elasticsearch cluster. By default fiqs will use the field’s name. In the case of nested fields, fiqs will use the storage_field as the path.


Not yet used.


A human-readable name for the field. If the verbose name isn’t given, fiqs will use the field’s name in the model. Not yet used.

Field types


A field with the text Elasticsearch data type.


A field with the keyword Elasticsearch data type.


A field with the date Elasticsearch data type.


A field with the long Elasticsearch data type.


A field with the integer Elasticsearch data type.


A field with the short Elasticsearch data type.


A field with the byte Elasticsearch data type.


A field with the double Elasticsearch data type.


A field with the float Elasticsearch data type.


A field inheriting from ByteField. It accepts iso as a keyword argument. Depending on the value of iso, this field will have data and choices matching weekdays or isoweekdays.


A field inheriting from ByteField. By default, it will be able to contain values betweek 0 and 23.


A field with the boolean Elasticsearch data type.


A field with the nested Elasticsearch data type.


Model classes expose a get_mapping class method, that returns a strict and dynamic elasticsearch-dsl Mapping object. You can use it to create or update the mapping in your Elasticsearch cluster:

from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch

client = Elasticsearch([''])
mapping = MyModel.get_mapping()
client.indices.create(index='my_index', body={'mappings': mapping.to_dict()})