
fiqs helps you make queries against Elasticsearch, and more easily consume the results. It is built on top of the official Python Elasticsearch client and the great Elasticsearch DSL library.

You can still dive closer to the Elasticsearch JSON DSL by accessing the Elasticsearch DSL client or even the Elasticsearch python client.

fiqs can help you in the following ways:

  • A helper function can flatten the result dictionary returned by Elasticsearch

  • A model class, a la Django:

    • Automatically generate a mapping
    • Less verbose aggregations and metrics
    • Less verbose filtering (soon)
    • Automatically add missing buckets (soon)


fiqs is compatible with Elasticsearch 5.X and works with both Python 2.7 and Python 3.3


The fiqs project is hosted on GitHub

To run the tests on your machine use this command: python test Some tests are used to generate results output from Elasticsearch. To run them you will need to run a docker container on your machine: docker run -d -p 8200:9200 -p 8300:9300 elasticsearch:5.0.2 and then run py.test -k docker.